While contemplating how I should blog my trip to Cali I thought about doing it in 2 parts so that this post would not be so long and put ya' all to sleep. But while at Meijer today I was met by the cart nazi again and seriously she just is giving me so much blog material that I must do this Cali trip in one post so I can post about Hitler's x-employee tomorrow.
We started our trip at 3 p.m. Wednesday last week. Our flight left at 6:55 a.m. Thursday morning. Hence the excuse to leave the night before and visit my favorite vice. Ikea. However after taking 5 hours to get to Chicago our shopping time was seriously compromised and in danger of being rushed. We ran into a blizzard with white out conditions just outside of Gary, IN and then ran into traffic that had us at a dead stop before we even got to Chicago. And if that wasn't irritating enough some streets in Chicago have 2 names. One direction is one name and the other direction is another name. We were lost for close to an hour in Schaumburg. But not to worry we were women on a misson. We finially got there with 2 hours until the mall closed. We totally forgot about eating because really how can you eat when there is shopping to do? We got the things I had wanted at Ikea and Bobbie got some things she had wanted at the mall. Then we headed over to Gino's East for some of Chicago's deep dish pizza. Delish. It was 10:30.

Do we look tired? Really? Because we only got 4 hours of sleep before we flew out the next morning. We were on a high. And not from drugs. From the very thought of not changing diapers for the next 3 days and having the experience of travelling together as friends, to meet a friend. We were in for some serious fun and we were well aware of that fact.

One of the biggest highlights of this trip was Savers. This is a thrift shop out in the O.C. (Orange County) in La Miranda. We spent 5 hours here. Hard to believe? Not really. There was so much to see, try on, and buy! I got an American Girl doll for $3.99 (retails for over $100) Lucky jeans for $4.99 and Born shoes for $4.99. That is before the 30% discount I got because Jael had made a donation before we started shopping. I also got a cute childrens tea set from Ikea, several pairs of jeans, skirts, dresses, kids clothes, a toy clock from Pottery Barn and lots more.....Bobbie and Jael kept finding things for me to try on and I kept loving what they found. What a rush. People in Cali get rid of so much! Now we were on a bargain high. Lucky for me Jael had an extra suitcase for me to have to take everything home in.

And as if we didn't do enough in one day we went to see a movie. Fun. What a day. So carefree so relaxing.

After the orange picking we drove to Newport to the beach. As you can see it wasn't quite swimsuit weather. It was o.k. we had fun checking out a surfing competion that was going on.

I am so jealous! It looks like you had an amazing time, I can't wait to see more pictures!
I just got home from a rather frustrating evening (work) and logged onto "livin' the dream".
As usually happens, it made my day! And it was free! I can see that you had a great time! I'm so happy for you but will admit, just a tad jealous. Nice welcome home posters, kids! thanks for sharing your pictures and stories~I look forward to reading the next one! Rosetta
Glad to hear you are back safe and sound and I am proud of you for blogging so soon! Sounds like you had a great time and you took great pics to tell us all about it. Can't wait to hear more!
was admiring the necklaces that you all were wearing and then here you actually gave the link! too funny! i'm checking it out.
it looks like you had a really great time!! i had another friend who went to cali recently under the same circumstances-(www.xanga.com/pairachopstix)she blogged w/ pix also, might be fun for you to check out!
so-i'm thinking it's about my turn, care if i borrow jael for a week? hee,hee
WOW HEATHER!!! What a dream...lucky you! Hollywood...American Idol...great friends...shopping till you drop...what a vacation to remember! The Saver Store sounded awesome...almost worth flying out there just to go that store. =)
Glad you made it back safe & sound. Can I go next time? =)
I'm exhausted just reading about your fun trip! How can you pack sooo much in? When you recover, please come over. Next week??? I'm going to Florida on Thursday to see my Mom, and will come home on Monday. Oh and who's star are you taking a picture by ... Dennis the Menace? :) I could only read "Denni"
Kim...what are you talking about you are going to Cali Friday. :)
Rosetta...I'm glad I put a smile on your face. My mission accomplished!
Krista....PTL for bringing me safely home...your right!
Wanita....I'm having a book party for Bobbie. I will send you a catalog. And Jael is a wonderful host. I'm sure she would love to show you around. Or maybe it will take her a while to recover from us being there.
Sherri...the Saver store was worth the flight alone. You would have loved the store. And if there is ever another trip- It would be fun to take you too.
Cindy....The star on the sidewalk was Dennis Quaid. We also took pictures of Tom Hanks, Renee Zellweger...to name a few. Next week sounds great are you serving lunch for Kim and I? :) Oh wait Kim will be gone to Cali. I guess just I will come. :)
I found your blog through my sister's (resolved2worship) site, and really enjoyed reading your last post! We grew up in southern California, and you mentioned some of my most favorite places and memories from there. Cheesecake Factory (where we'd go for birthdays sometimes), Savers (where we did half of our shopping) and Trader Joe's (where we did the other half of our shopping! haha!). We grew up in Huntington Beach, right near Newport.
Anyway, what a precious enjoyable time you had with friends, how great is that??!?!
blessings on you & yours,
Can I just say.....HOW LUCKY AM I???? (:
I DID get to enjoy this trip too!!!
God truly does bless us all with Heather as a friend....I know I would not of enjoyed this trip near as much with out her company!! And for sure I would not of taken ANY pictures!!! (: Thanks for going with me my dear friend....another great memory to add to our collection!! LOL
You write very well.
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