As for me and our four little tax deductions - we are hanging in there thank you very much! Today I managed to get everyone to where they needed to be - on time and in good spirits. O.K., so only two of them needed to get on school buses but just the shear amount of thought that goes into the daily schedule around here is way too much for this old boy. Just trying to keep everything straight is a struggle when it comes down to it. Before the woman departed I said to myself, "this is gonna be cake". Today I found myself thinking, "this isn't cake!". I love being here at home with the kids but it takes a lot of thought (did I already say that?) and planning and self-motivation. After lunch me and the two shortest ones were laying around on the floor by the fire (it was contained in the fireplace) and they were crawling on me and stuff and it was great. After about 45 minutes of that I realized that maybe before I fall asleep right here on the floor I should get off my keester and get something done! So... I got up and sat on the couch for another 45 - what a great life (I'm glad the wife takes her job more seriously than I did today - I would never have clean skivvies!) I did eventually get a few little things going and then the bus dropped off 1 and 2. We went to the library and I got some pics with the camera phone since I forgot the other one (I'll never make a good blogger). So, enjoy the high quality camera phone pictures and stay tuned in the next few days for what is hopefully something worth blogging. How do you blogger people find good material anyways? It's like you think up things to blog about and then take pictures throughout the day....again, way too much thought and planning - I think I'll stick to sitting here on the couch and checking out my wife (when she get's home that is) and yelling at the kids (I yell things like - "I LOVE YOU CRAZY KIDS!") Oh, and maybe play a little cell phone PAC-MAN - I love that one!
Honey, if you are out there - I love you and miss you. You can stay until Sunday but after that you better get your little hiney back home to where I can look at it - is that O.K. to say on here?

What a great daddy you are, Donovan! I know that Heather can relax a little more knowing that they are being well taken care of by their papa. Glad to hear that she made it there ok and is having a good time.
Don, you should make guest appearances more often. Your wife is very talented, but it is so funny to hear your thoughts. Too much planning, huh? You want me to come over? Oh, that's right, I will already have 4 kids by I better keep my sanity now. I may have to borrow your wife to see how she does it. And may I just say that this is why daddy's are so lovable...let's take a poll and see if any other mom sat around for 45 min on the floor with their little tykes. Seems there is always some "skivvies" to wash. =)
good man! :^)
nothing like humor to brighten a day!
Donovan, you ARE awesome. You forgot to blog how you swept out 2 vans yesterday, did laundry, and cleaned out the closet. I'm so impressed in all you got done and had time to sit around and have fun with the kids. I'm so glad you are able to be off of work. This morning I kissed Jael's kids good-bye when they went to school and it gave me tears to think of kissing my own kids. They are sweet girls. But we are having a blast. We spent all day in Hollywood yesterday. We got to be at the live taping of American Idol. It was SO COOL!!!! It's fun to be so carefree. Jumping in and out of the van without doing car seats. And.....I haven't changed a diaper for 48 hours....This hasn't happened for 8 years...??? We are having a really great time. Keep up the great blogging honey- You are doing a great time. Love you and miss you!!! -Heather
Hey Honey, you're gonna blow my cover as a schlub! Don't tell anyone about the laundry or I might start getting requests again...I hope you have another great day off! Your schlub hub.
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