I'm beginning to enjoy this.....I mean who wouldn't? Beautiful friends bringing beautiful meals, and Grandma called yesterday and asked to take the kids for the day.
Please allow me to elaborate on the delicious meal brought in tonight. Sweet friend Crystal sent her handsome husband Trent over with her contribution to my speedy recovery. However I was a little blushed to see him standing on the doorstep- rather than Crystal for the fact that I have not washed/combed my hair since Saturday. And the fact that I hadn't bothered myself to get dressed all day. After all, I was busy recovering.
So anyway the meal....stroganof with baked biscuits on top, green beans with slivered almonds, cinnamon applesauce, AND delicious cookies and cream ice cream. It was a perfect blend of soft, easy to swallow, colorful, and scrumptious food.
I have really appreciated all of my friends during this time. Nothing brightens my day more than spending time catching up with friends who love you and are concerned, and it was so nice to spend some time on the phone today. And then some of those who live close and bless us with meals-is just icing on the cake.
And what would I do without Donovan's mom at this time? She actually volunteered to take the kids today. And then sent home cinnamon rolls!! It really doesn't get any better than that. Unless of course they would let me keep their recliner, which by the way I haven't removed myself from since the one week they brought it over for me to borrow.
So now we just need Jack to recover....still coughing, still running fever. Tonight's high was 103.7 and I'm a little nervous about getting that fever. Because of course a fever would not sit well with me right now. We have tried to keep touching to a minimum, with the exception of last night when he thought he needed to be right in the same recliner with me, under the same blanket, with the occasional groan. The groans were to make sure that I still realized he wasn't feeling good. And just in case you think he's on his last leg.....let me assure you that when he is dosed up on Motrin/Tylenol he is up to fighting with big sister and little brother. And the saga continues......More than anything the kids really need mama back and rollin'. Too many days with me sitting in the same chair, and I have just felt a little guilty because they all are showing signs of mama neglect. But today was I was feeling better and I'm getting back to how I was. Hopefully tomorrow will show more signs of normality for all involved.
Heather you silly thing! I am so glad I could help you out a little bit and when I asked Madelyne how you were doing she said, "she looks good!" So, you must not be too greasy. Anyway, I hope you continue to feel better and I loved reading your blogs, totally HILARIOUS! Crystal
Heather, I am glad you are getting better! It's hard to just sit and watch while the world continues around you! Let me know if you need anymore meals.
Glad you had a good day and are surrounded by so many people that care about you. What a blessing!
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