Several weeks ago we had planned a day trip to Chicago, however we had to postpone the trip due to my surgery. Finally the day came and we packed them all up and headed out.

Our first stop was
The Rainforest Cafe. Isabella's classroom at school has a rainforest theme, and her class is decorated like a rainforest, and they have been learning different facts about them. So when Isabella's teacher found out we were going to the Cafe, she gave us 4 free coupons for FREE kids meals! I LIKE FREE!

As you walk in there are fish aquariums everywhere. They are full of exotic fish and neat shells. The kids had fun looking at these uniquely shaped aquariums.

Here is one of the aquariums that is a huge see through tunnel overhead. Suzy was amazed! There were so many neat things there to see. Monkeys hanging from the ceiling, gorillas, and different animals that would come to life every 20 minutes or so. There was also a reactment of thunderstorms every once in a while. Ike

Here is the crew....trying to figure out what to choose to eat. There was a huge assortment of different foods. Jack choose mini hot dogs and fries, William choose mac and cheese with garlic bread, and Isabella had char broiled hamburgers with applesauce. When eating out we usually get one meal and all of the kids split the food. But since we had 4 free coupons they each had their own. Again, I LIKE FREE!

Suzanna had fun eating popcorn shrimp for the first time, she was eating off of her plate like a puppy and then laughing so hard about it. Of course we all laughed too. Isabella went over to show her how to eat like a lady with a fork. It's so fun to see these two interact and enjoy being sisters.

After stuffing ourselves we went to
Ikea. There were a couple of last minute gifts we wanted to pick up & wanted to spend a little time day dreaming at all the cool stuff.
We let the kids play a little while Donovan quickly purchased an easel for Isabella's Christmas present and then went to hide it in the back of the van. What a deal! You can see it
here. Only $19.99. It has a dry erase board on one side and chalkboard on the other.

While waiting for Donovan who was making the secret purchase....the kids put on a puppet show.

Hard to believe...but we forgot the stroller again...just like on our last trip we took! But Suzy adjusted to our neglect and finally fell asleep in the cart laying on a blanket that I would've loved to keep for our bedroom. But at $40....I decided we probably ought to save that for more important things like.....

ICECREAM! The kids did pretty well with being carted all over the store for 2 hours. They managed to keep the whining and fighting to a minimum. I'm not sure what we were thinking....(well we were not thinking- actually) but our shopping extravaganza was right during the usual nap time for the 2 youngest. We took our time in the morning getting ready, and decided right from the beginning of the day to relax and enjoy the day. So that put our shopping at a hard time. But despite our poor planning the kids did well. So we had a treat of ice cream.

And then on the way home we stopped for a bite to eat. We were all done and ready to head back for the last leg of the 3 hour drive. And Jack has to go to the bathroom. I was meanwhile waiting with the girls. And waiting....and waiting. After 15 minutes I was wondering if I had missed Donovan and he had pulled the van up to the door. SO I called him. He answered the cell phone, "Yep, still in the bathroom" So the girls and I waited in the L O N G line at Gloria Jeans for an iced mocha and a cream cheese danish. Funny the man in line behind me commented on the long line and then added, "I hope you are getting one of those mixed iced drinks that take a long time to make"
Why, yes, sir I am.

And if you get the chance you really should try the Sleigh ride iced really is worth the $5! And finally after 25 long minutes in the public restroom at the truck stop- Jack came out of the bathroom crying because he couldn't go poop because it hurt. WOW! Great.
And can I add that 15 minutes down the road, William had to go potty? That is after he went 2 times at the rest stop. Luckily we had a pop bottle in the car he could use.
looks like a lot of fun!! love you guys!
Wow, what a day. It is so fun to think that your kids are old enough that you can say, remember when we went to Chicago to that cool restaurant?
Looks like a fun day, Heather. I love that store. How did Isabella like the easel...what a fun gift!
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