Back in the saddle.....and goin' on a date.

Last night Donovan's regional manager invited his sales reps and service reps to his house for appetizers and then we went downtown Kalamazoo for dinner
here . 
There were about 6 couples who is 1/2 of the table. I'm not sure what was more exciting.....leaving the house- going on a date, getting to eat at a nice restaurant for free, or just being on my feet again. It felt so good to eat!!! My throat is making huge improvements every day and it's such a great feeling to be almost back to myself. What a journey! We rode to K-zoo with Travis and Kristin and of course our friends made it even more fun. Travis was his usual sarcastic self.
My sister came to our house and watched the kids for us....which was so nice to have them all tucked into bed when we got home! Thanks Holly!!
And fun to wake up to over a foot of snow!! Church is cancelled & we enjoyed being snowed in.

Donovan took the kids out and shoveled the drive and walks.....the kids had a blast!! With the exception of William who was sleeping inside because he woke up sick. Yes, Friends William started the day throwing up....about 6 times. Poor guy looked absolutely pitiful! He was so pale and just laid in the chair looking pathetic. We just can't seem to get everyone healthy at once!
Thankfully tonight William is looking better and playing....back to eating and keeping it down.

The girls on a sled ride.
Hope you are snug and warm and enjoying a nice evening being snowed in.
Wow, I don't ever remember getting over a foot of snow around Fort definitely got hit harder than we did. I like the picture taken from the mailbox view.
Glad you are feeling back to normal again and hope that William can feel better sad for him to miss out on the snow fun.
What a fun post!
I am so glad that you blogged about your date! We didn't even talk about it. I was meaning to ask you, but it looks like it was barrels of fun! Glad you felt up to going.
that pic of jack and isabella w/ shovels is so cute! helping daddy shovel?
Hey, Heather!
I just found your blog. What a beautiful family! How'd Don get so lucky :)
And we were surprised to see pictures of our friends, Travis and Kristin on your blog. We used to go to church with them at Belmont in Elkhart.
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