For William's birthday I told our family that we are overloaded on toys right now....and please do not bring more. Fellow mama's you know how it is....You have multiple children that have had multiple birthdays add in Christmas time and that equals LOTS of toys. Lots of little parts to toys. Lots of little things to pick up, Lots of clutter. However we did add to the invitation- if they wanted to donate a cash donation to a big gift we wanted to get William a tandem bike to attach to our bike.
I loved the look on his face when he saw his daddy ride out with it!!! Wish I got a better picture....but here shows a little of his joy.....
It was a little tall for him...but he jumped up there and was happy to give it a try.
After he opened a few gifts....we smashed around on a pinata for a little while. Serving 2 purposes actually. Getting out energy of little people AND getting rid of all the candy we had sitting around here!
And some birthday baseball.
Then the cousins went downstairs for a jam session. William on guitar and his cousin Lucas on the drums.
Now that Donovan's brother Wes and his family go to another church, we just don't see them as much....We need to make a better effort in this area. The kids had so much fun playing together. Brooke is so "into" Suzy. It was fun to watch them together, and Brooke love on her little cousin.
Birthday breakfast....celebrating Donovan's 34th birthday. We lived very large this morning. For one I actually made breakfast which rarely happens on the weekends. I am so lazy. And for two I went all out. It doesn't take much to please Donovan. We started with Sausage biscuits and gravy, fried eggs, orange juice, and bananas.

And then there was today, Sunday......

We got to church and had a potluck after the service....so I took a birthday cake to share. And also spaghetti. We had an Italian theme for our carry in today. Lucky for me there were left overs of both of my dishes.....so guess what we had for dinner???
Spaghetti, corn, garlic bread, lemonade, chocolate shakes, chocolate cake, and cookies. Do you see a theme with his birthday? FOod, FoOd, and more fOoD!!! Somedays it seems that is all I do is make food, clean it all up and start the next meal. And as exhausting as it all is, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my family. I love my husband.

So what a bittersweet day...Such a fun day to celebrate Donovan. But sad because tomorrow Donovan leaves on a business trip to California. For 5 days. FIVE DAYS!!! So I'm busy tonight getting in some good computer time...because I'm thinking being a single mom this week will leave me little time to do much else than cook, clean, wipe things, fold things, put away things, and hold little sad people that miss their daddy. While at the same time missing the man that makes my life feel so very complete.
Your family is so cute! I am with you on the whole toy thing! Wow goodwill has to see me coming and say she is not back again is she! I love the idea about one big gift I will have to remember that!!
WOW, what a fun weekend of celebrating you had! Great idea for Williams gift.
Hope your week flys by for you. Kevin is out of town Tues. and Weds. this week too...it's just not as fun around here when daddy's gone.
I'll be praying for you this week.
Great blog, again! You always do a good job! What a bunch of fun! Great pics! love ya
you had me at biscuits and gravy...mmmm! you always do a good job w/ the b-day cakes!! i still remember mine. = )
Nicole...thanks for the compliments. The big gift thing is the way to go. For Williams first birthday we had all the grandparents go together and get a bike cart to pull behind our bike. Maybe we could keep this up and when the kids turn 16 they could go together and get a car for him. :) HA HA
Sherri....Thanks sherri, I'll be thinking of you too. Why don't you just come over tomorrow and spend the night? :) That we be a hoot!!!
Thanks Holly and Wanita!
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