Monday, April 7, 2008

my friends ROCK!

The laptop is back and I am in full couch potato mode.

First of all thank you so much for all the encouraging words and heartfelt comments left for me on the last post. I was not sure if I wanted to post simply because I feel I could be making a big deal out of nothing, but wow! I would've missed out on the blessing of all of friends and family. Thank you for your support.

I have another thing to add about the post yesterday....when I put the title of the post as 1 Peter 5:7 I thought I was referencing the verse:

These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

You see I had that verse written in my notes from bible study. I accidentally wrote the title as 1 Peter 5:7 rather than 1 Peter 1:7.

However when I looked up 1 Peter 5:7.....It was this:

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Wow! Talk about divine! That came from God. And so fitting. Isn't God good?

I'm feeling o.k. about things today. And just a tad anxious for tomorrow's appointment. I kept myself busy cleaning windows today, hanging out wash and for a treat we took McDonald's to the park. The busier I was, the less time I had to think. Which is good, for me.

I do better when I don't think so much. On any given day.

What a beautiful day....loving the 60 degree weather!!

And thanks again to each and everyone of you for your prayers, concern, and love in your comments yesterday. Y'all sure know how to make a girl feel loved!


sherri said...

God IS good! Wow...the verse error gives me the chills and just proves that he DOES care dearly for you and what you are going through right now. He's right there with you. I'm praying for your appointment today.

Anonymous said...

that's awesome! i had looked up the verse and thought how fitting! i like them both, but that was a perfect mistake! = )

'i feel i could be making a big deal out of nothing' --now you listen here you! this is something that is personal to you already, it IS a big deal just because of that! and if it ends up benign, we will rejoice with you!

cheryl said...

That's the right kind of mistake to make! By the're not missing from any mailing list. You're on it, I just didn't send a letter. Nicole and a couple others have bugged me about getting back to blogging, so I got to it. I thought I had sent you a note saying I had update, but I guess I missed it. Sorry-O! Let us know how your appt. goes. I'm off to the Y to pray:)

Anonymous said...

You always have a way of saying things! You just rock sister!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

You always have a way of saying things! You just rock sister!
Love ya,

Kim said...

Hey Heather! I have been praying throughout the day that your appt. went well today! Let us know...