Let me just start with this picture to express my pure hate for my cookware. We've had this set for close to 4 years. It was a reward program from Donovan's work that I could pick out from this catalog anything within a certain price. This is one of the things I needed and choose. Clearly it was a bad move on my part. While the first couple years I got good cooking out of this little set, the past 2 years has been true hate. My food keeps getting little back flecks in it- UCK! I've thrown 2 of this set in the trash. Which is where the rest of the set belongs. But then I would need to buy something to replace them. And that would require cash. So while I'm saving up for another set... I need some input. Which is where you all come in. What pans do you have? Do you like them? What kind are they? If you use the T-fal do you have to buy an expensive kind to make them last for the long haul? If you use stainless steel- What kind? How do you keep things from sticking to the pan?
I need everyone's input, Because I need to make a better decision this time. So please help me and leave me your advice. Please?
Todays quote:
during supper....
Me: "Oh shoot." ( I spilled pizza on my shirt)
Jack: "What's wrong mama, do you have another baby comin'?" While he is looking at my tummy.
Hey Heather. I read your blog through Sarah's and noticed your plea for information on pots and pans. I also faced this whole dilemma just a few months ago. I am a bit of health nut and found through research that stainless steel is the healthiest cookware you can purchase. Apparently the "little black stuff" that you see in your food is really, really bad for you (but don't feel bad - we also had it in our food from my previous set). I purchased the Pampered Chef stainless set and I love it. The trick I've found is that when you are done cooking you can't just let food set in it and get all hard and crusty or it will be hard to clean. I just simply fill my pan with water after I have transfered the food out of it. After dinner clean up is pretty easy because nothing is dried on. I hope this helps.
hey, i've never really cooked with stainless so i wouldn't know which is better...i have the nonstick set from Pampered Chef and l.o.v.e. them! happy hunting.. =)
THat is quite possibly the funniest quote I've heard...too cute. I was laughing out loud and afraid I would wake the kids.
About the pots...I love my Pampered Chef, but then again, it's all I've ever used.
Good Luck!
I've also chosen to ditch the nonstick cookware for health reasons. For the last 2 years I have used stainless steel only. I agree with Jamie about getting stuff clean, although I've recently started putting my stainless cookware into my dishwasher and using the "pots and pans" setting. I've been amazed that 99% of the time it's getting very clean. Saves a lot of work. It's takes some adjusting to learn how to keep food from sticking as you are cooking, but of course, it's worth it for your health. The FDA is pulling some of these products off the market!
I have the old copper bottom set that we got as a wedding gift and it has held up very nicely. Although, I am slowly switching to stainless steel as well for the same reasons as the others mentioned. They are definitely harder to clean, but it's worth it to me.
23 years ago I bought our set (or rather my Mom did) from a cheesy salesman who was selling "lifetime" cookware! Mom bought it for us as a wedding gift, along with a multitude of other items. Now the "lifetime" has proven itself ... it is still is absolutely like new and I love it. The only time I cook with non-stick is a frying pan I have for eggs, pancackes, ect, so I can't really compare the whole cooking thing. But I would say clean-up is easy. The cookware is probably a lot like the Pampered Chef the others were talking about. I know it's a lot of money, heck it was a lot 23 years ago, but if you can get 20+ years out of it, I would guess it's worth it. And I'm sure your green beans would taste a lot better!
I got the Pampered Chef nonstick cookware when I was selling PC.. it has a lifetime warrenty which is nice. My mom always used stainless steel and I miss that, so i am planning on adding some to my collection someday. ~Lynette
o my, o my! LOL! heather i hope you are keeping a separate journal on your hilarious kid quotes!! seriously funny stuff! =)
cookware--not one of my specialties. if i ever replace my quite ugly, but very resilient set i'd def go 'shiny' =) stainless steel.
I have a problem with scratching my non-stick, whatever they are pots and then they go bad. Like rusty bad. Obviously I've used something sharp that I shouldn't have. I like stainless but I have to be sure and stay with it, stirring so it doesn't stick.
Hey, Heather.
I also have stainless steel cookware. Mine are Belgique, which I believe you can get at Macy's and I have had them for 10+ years - they don't show any age at all. I do hand wash them.
I also have a couple of nonstick pans. When I buy nonstick I purchase them one piece at a time and buy the kind that last. One of mine is Calphalon and one is Pampered Chef. Both have held up really well but I absolutely only use soft cooking utensils on them.
One reason I prefer stainless steel is that there's just not as much care and thinking involved when cooking. I think the extra clean up time it may take is worth it to avoid the yucky stuff in the nonstick coating!
Good luck and be sure to post what you decide on!!
Wow. You got a lot of advice on this one. Sounds like probably stainless wins. I think it was my freshman year in college my mom began giving me a Revere Ware pan with the copper bottom. I was annoyed! What 20 yr. old wants a pan for Christmas? It wasn't the only gift, but one of them. They have held up very well, and cook well. I guess maybe she knew what she was doing. By the way......the black bean hummus was a big hit at Grandma Eichorn's on the 4th! Thanks for the recipe.
I'm sorry, I am too busy laughing to comment on the cookware, and we already talked about...so you can put that with your bids. I wish someone was within earshot to tell that quote to, because truly...wow! What a laugh that guy!
You've already gotten some great advice, but I've just gotta add my 2 cents. I used to have the nonstick Pampered Chef cookware, and then got totally grossed out after going to a cooking demonstration for some high-end stainless steel cookware. The salesman boiled water with a teaspoon of baking soda for 5 minutes in several types of pans, and then we tasted it. He said he used baking soda for a taste comparison. I cannot describe how nasty everything tasted compared to the stainless steel, which just tasted like baking soda. Of course, Jason and I had to try the experiment on our own set at home, and we had to run to the sink to spit it out.
We didn't buy the high-end stuff, but did an internet search for *T304 surgical stainless steel* cookware, which is the quality of metal the salesman was boasting about for his set. We found a nice set for $200, and I just saw the same set for $150 on E-bay, brand new. That was 6 years ago, and I'm still using them today. One handle broke, but I got it welded back into place. I love them.
Oh, and congratulations on the baby!
Hey sister! Stainless steel is the way to go! love ya
I'm for the stainless steel as well. I have an assorted collection-leftovers from what Mom had from Grandma Eichorn, some of Mom's and some I picked up at garage sales. Mom always had the stainless steel so that's what I'm used to.
For cleaning it-she always uses and I do, too, Zud-that is Zud-not me-"Zed"-I'm not offering to come clean them for you! It works well or better than anything else I've tried. If you go with s.steel, I'll give you Mom's solution using Zud.
maybe you should try to find some s.steel pieces at a garage sale to use and find out if you like it.
I use the non-stick for an egg or something-small amount but I'm very careful what I use to scrape and/or clean with-I found one by Taste of Home that is really nice.
happy decision making,
One more comment on cookware. Hey we had our 34th wedding anniversary July 6th and I'm still using the copper bottom stainless steel Reverve Wear that was a wedding gift. They can be bought at department or hardware stores .
Less than a month ago one knob came off one of the pans and that pan may be an extra one that wasn't a gift. Eversole
I too agree on stainless!
Hi Heather, I found your blog through Kim, you have the cutest family!!! Anyway, my pot and pan situation is the EXACT same as yours!!!! So when you decide what to buy let us know, I may follow in your footsteps. I feel like I am using pans ALL DAY LONG! Scrambled eggs in the am, grilled cheese at lunch, stir fry at dinner, etc. and I cringe each time I pull them out to use them!
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