h a p p y
e a s t e r!

I wanted to get these pictures posted yesterday...but I was very busy eating Easter lunch, and then another Easter dinner.
We started off our Easter celebration with opening Resurrection Eggs everyday over the last week. We've never done this before and I got these neat idea from the librarian at our local Library. It is a great way to intruduce the Easter Story to your young children. You can learn more about them here. I just made up my own set here at home and the kids really loved it. Wednesday we colored Easter eggs, and the kids had great fun splashing egg dye and seeing how many eggs they could color before the other sibblings used them all.

Well it was a nice try on our part anyway.

However trying to get these little people all looking at the camera at the same time with nice smiles is no small task. Which is why our getting to church on time was greatly compromised.
After our Easter service at church we headed to my aunt and uncles house for an Easter egg hunt, and lunch.

We then had a really great lunch and stayed the afternoon. Just after the last picture was taken my batteries gave out on my camera. I was so disappointed because I wasn't able to get pictures at our next Easter dinner. We went to Donovan's parents house for a family get together in the evening.
We colored Easter eggs with the family there, hid the eggs and then went to find them. After that we had a nice meal there too. Grandma passed out activity books for all the grandkids. And after things settled down a little I got to go next door to Donovan's brothers house to see Arlene's baby nursery she's been working on. Wow! That women has talent in decorating. It is so cute.
We had a really great day even though busy. I hope you had a meaninful Easter and could spend time with the ones you love.
hey sister it looked like you guys had lots of fun. do you remember when.. we hid easter eggs in the front room, and one year we lost track of one egg, we use real boiled/colored eggs, only to find it the next year all decomposed in my first violin case under the couch??? ;^)! lol! after that mom made us use plastic eggs to hide!~~love you~~melissa gail
Hi Heather, Your Easter post reminded me of a story you and Don told us one time.. how he dressed as the Easter bunny for you! I still laugh every time I think about it! :) ~Lynette
What great pictures! You always are so good @ wording things! I love you sister!
So fun to hear about all your Easter celebrating. The kids look adorable in their outfits!
hey heather...i know you don't know me..i've seen you a couple times at th b-ball games...i used to go to church with your husband's cousin craig...anyways...your kids are SO cute. it was so much fun 'peeking' into your lives through some of your posts...
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