Look at me in my new big girl pants. I am proud.

If you been reading me for a while you will remember that Suzy had ideas of potty training herself back
here. I however was too lazy to go with it. Things like surgery, Christmas, and a vacation were keeping me from working with this little girl. But this past week I felt a sudden burst of renewed patience, after coming back from my trip and decided to see what she would do. I've never trained any of my other 3 kids this young. So I prepared myself mentally that this was just for fun. That was Wednesday.

Here it is Sunday and she has surpassed any of my expectations. The first day she went 13 times in the potty!!Thursday, Friday and Saturday she wore panties all day. She was going at least 10 times a day. She got it! She understood. This is not to say we have had meltdowns, we have. We have also cleaned guano out of panties. 3 days in a row we have cleaned them out. But tonight she got the guano in the potty. She is getting it. The sheer thought of not buying diapers for the first time in 7 1/2 years makes me down right giddy.

One thing that worked for the others was a small treat (ie: fruit loop or fruit snack) when they went potty and to put a sticker on a chart. (thanks Aunt Melissa for all the stickers) This was Suzy's potty chart from the first day on the job. I am also a firm believer in using the thick cloth panties while at home. This is more laundry...but the learning curve is huge when they can actually feel themselves wet, unlike a pull up. I do however use pull-up's when going out anywhere. Man, I'm going nuts just thinking of all the money we are going to save by not buying diapers anymore.
hip hip hooray for suzy q, i knew she was my girl more ways than one~ ;0) maybe little suzy needs to come to sturgis and have a talk with her cousin. from past experience boys are always harder than girls. thanks for the idea about heavy cloth panties at home i think that could be the ticket for us!! if that doesn't work maybe i will ship zaya to the same person who trained baby v ;0) lol~~melissa gail
Yeah for Suzy! Love the sticker chart idea!
ahhhh, no more blessed diaper days!! welcome to the club!
I was at Meijer yesterday, which is a rare occurence, and all I needed was bread and milk. I needed a small cart, and there were none available. So ... were you there, oh about 2:00???? Just curious!
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