Yesterday we were invited to visit my friend Crystal at the lake. The day started off really cloudy, so she called to say maybe we better try for another day. I was thinking I better plan something quick-because the kids had been working really fast to get things cleaned up so we could go. Then BAM! Within an hours time, it cleared off & looked very promising. So we loaded the car with all the essentials for taking 4 children to the lake. While I kept running in to get things that I forgot, I heard blood curdling screaming from the garage. Muffled in a way that it was coming from inside the closed van doors. I'm thinking fingers got pinched, possibly blood somewhere. I go running out to see what is the matter.
Nothing is the matter. Just good ol' fighting between all the chillins. He's touching my trains. She kicked my seat kind-of thing.

I began to wonder if all this work was really worth it. Will the fighting continue after we arrive at the lake? Will they just keep fighting all the way there? Will there be more whining and fussing once we get there? Or will the diversion be a welcome change and make everyone happy to soak up some sun and play in the sand? What is a mother to do? So I did what some of you may have done in the past. I made threats of which I had absolutely no intention of carrying out. Something along the line of, "If you guys don't knock this off and stop fighting, We will NOT go to the lake. We will go back in and all go back to bed"

One of the highlights for our 3 oldest were getting jet-ski rides.

Here is the line up....Christian-8, William-4, Jack 5, Isabella-7, Madeline-5, Suzy-1, Harrison-3. Pretty fun that each of them has a playmate.
Today.....we started off with swimming lessons, and then an eye Dr. appointment.
Guess who needs new frames?

choice #1
Sweetness has a little crack in the side of her frames, which are getting a little small for her face after almost 2 years of wearing glasses. The frames she had are discontinued. :( BOO. And she needs new lenses since her eyes have also changed. Her prescription needs to be stronger.
choice #2

I need some help. I'm not crazy about either frame choice. Her face is too big for children's glasses, but too small for adult. It's hard to find something in the middle. Does anyone have any advice? Shall I keep looking for more frames at different stores?
And moving on with the day....

Be the first 3 to leave me a comment and I will bring you a jar. :)
Quote of the day:
Isabella: "Jack, you have to wait until you are 18 to get married."
Jack: "Well then I can't marry mama, because she won't live that long."
Hey Heather,
I'm the first to comment and I notice that you said I will BRING you a jar of jam, sooo...we'd love to see you sometime! Really we'd love to see you guys, but you don't have to bring jam! :)
omw~the qoute is hilarious! being able to laugh at that ttly makes up for the hard time they were giving you.
jack-happy b-day to you!
ella-i vote for choice #1! they are so cute!
ps~since lisa doesn't seem to like your jam... ;)
Hey I want jam! I just used my last jar! :) I need to do strawberries too but with the house for sale, I don't want to mess it up with 3 pairs of strawberry hands! Can I mess up your house?
I also vote for choice # 1 for the glasses.
Have a good day!
I like the first glasses too. You can see her beautiful eyes better through the shape of the frames.
What fun pictures at the lake...I LOVE SUMMER!!!
I like choice #1, but they are both nice on Isabella's pretty little face.
Have a great birthday, Mr. Jack!
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