I'm just not into it. I want to be. I want to understand more. I want to at least "sound" smarter, and be smarter. But my days do not allow time to get into the meat of all the talk radio, news, etc. However if your wondering yes, I only have time to be on the computer. Clearly I have my priorities in order.
However my husband is into the political scene big time. Very big. He gets fired up very easily. And in our home it was crucial to watch Sarah Palin give her speech the other night. And I must say it like another mama wrote on her blog the other night...."I officially have a girl crush." Does Palin know her stuff or what? She was totally captivating. One of my favorite parts was when her littlest daughter Piper, licked her hand and patted down her baby brothers hair. And again like Diaper Diaries said on her blog, this is shallow politics at its best. By the way here is a clip....
here, of the hair patting.
Moving on....please take a look at this....

To say that we have had an emotional week would be an understatement of the century. We have had tears from both children. Crying, and more crying. Change is very hard for Isabella esp. I have had to practice tough love with her this week. When she starts to get sad, for the 100th time, I reassure her she will be fine. I tell her get movin', get your backpack on, you will be fine. And try to usher her out the door before she sees how I am just crushed at her sadness.
Jack had not cried before school in the morning before today. But both Wednesday and Thursday he said he cried while at his desk. I asked him why and he said, "because I missed you." This morning at 7 bells he was beside himself with sadness & crying.
Neither Jack or Isabella has had things happen at school, they just want to be with mama they say. I think the long summer, with sleeping in late and going to the pool most weeks has been just a little too fun for them to give up. I can't really blame them. Routine is hard to get back into. But today Isabella came home from school, telling me how much she loved it. Really?! Can I get that in writing? So she did. I had her time it too. And tape it beside her bed. I want her to remember that first thing for Monday morning, oh say about 7 a.m. That is usually when the tummy ache starts. And trust me, I believe her. I know it's real, she works herself up that much. And bless Jack this morning his tummy hurt too. In fact he told me, "my ankles are making my stomach hurt." Donovan looked at me and said, "write that down" We both suppressed laughter, but not very well.
And Jack came home also happy about his day. I'm so glad...because I'm wearing out with all the emotions. I have enough, all by myself.
Well in other news....we have some replacements for the dishwasher position I needed to fill while Jack is at school.

While I would love to save this job for Jack when he gets home from school. It's just not possible. We fill this thing at least 2 times a day. And the other kids need to learn the ropes so to speak too. Suzy-very willing. William-not so much. Too bad this picture ended in a broken bowl from my childhood. Oh well.
my quote from today...
Today I started back to Bible study. Something I did in the spring...but we took a break for the summer. I told Isabella I was so glad that she had a day that went so good. And told her that I asked the girls from my Bible study to pray for her.
Isabella responded, "Mom, I guess prayer really does work! I had an awesome day."
"Yes, sweetie it sure does!"
What a good ending! My mantra has been, "Because Prayer Works"..and this just proved it once again. So, I ask myself, why don't I pray more instead of worrying so much? This week I've tried to concentrate on praying more and this blog was a great reminder to keep praying! thanks for sharing!
Good point. If she can learn that now, she'll be so much further ahead in life! I remember the stomach woes all too well. I think my mom nearly lost her job my first grade year b/c of all the days she couldn't go to work b/c I had worked myself up to the point of actually vomiting. As I nurse, I can definitely tell Jack that the ankle bone is NOT connected to the stomach bone. One could not have caused the other unless the pain was soooo incredible that it nauseated him like a migraine. I'm thinking he's a little too creative for his own good:) Thanks for you help, ahem prayers, re: my blog. Today was a good day. I saw God working in the little things. I love times wehn we pray diligently and open our eyes to actually see Him work.
Ok, I too was very impressed by Palin, very neat lady! I am not looking forward to school days, it must be bitter sweet for a mom. But how cute, that at the end of your emotional week, Isabella saw that you leaned on God and that she can too! Priceless!
My husband and I CRACKED up laughing when we saw Palin's daughter lick her hand and fix her brother's hair. Part of the reason it was so darn cute is that it was just so innocent and done out of pure love. Toooo precious.
So neat to see Isabella's sign. I've been thinking about her this week and wondering how she was doing...and what a sweet quote from her too. I'm so proud of her! :)
Heather I am so glad that Isabella had a good end to the week! Jadyn has had a lot of fun with her an lunch, recess, and in class.
I too loved listening to Sarah Palin. Roger and I both commented that she is just so normal. I think that's why we liked her.
So glad that bible study started. Now we can see each other more often and then do lunch!
i love that you have the younger ones helping w/ the dishwasher! that's so cute.
palin makes me feel like registering and becoming a first time voter!
Isn't that awesome when are kids see God work! That is so neat! My heart brakes for you though with the rough week! It is hard to see kids hurt. I feel for you! :) I will pray that next week goes a lot better! Branson starts preschool on monday and I am afraid it will be tears, tears, tears! You drop off and pick up in the parking lot so I won't walk him in :( He'll probably do better than me :)
ok I forgot, I also saw Palin and loved it! And especially the new hairstyle for the baby :) What a sweet family! She rocks!!
Cute sign, Isabella! I am so glad they like school now! It sure does help out. They are so cute. It looks like you run a pretty tight crew at your house! :o) I guess everybody needs a job though!
hi heather! just checking on you! =)
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