Have I told you people how much you rock lately??? That's right, you my friends. The ones reading this. Your sweet comments and encouragement from recent posts totally floor me. Everytime I get another one, it feels like a big ol' hug. I'm serious. What a network of friends that make me feel so special. I am blessed.
So wanna see what we were up to this weekend??
So wanna see what we were up to this weekend??

We were at a church campout at Camp Amigo in Sturgis, Michigan. Yup, the ol' stompin' grounds as Donovan likes to say. As a girl growing up our church (Locust Grove) would also have a church campout at the very same camp ground. So it was pretty neat to be at the same place some 20-25 years later. Our first night we shared a meal with friends/cousins Ben & Jen. How fun to set up camp and have our supper ready and waiting when we were all set up. Thanks Jen, it was delicious.
The next morning the fabulous 4 forgot to reset their internal clocks to weekend mode and were up at the crack of dawn. I lay there in our borrowed camper trying to "pretend" to be sleeping amidst all the noise. I kept thinking if I shut my eyes tight enough I could block them out. And this is how it went....

Donovan looked over and said, "really?... you think you're going to be able to sleep with all this racket?"
Me: "Well, really can't you just do some bonding with them and let me go back to sleep? It's not even 7 a.m."
Donovan: "Well, I could take them out fishing."
Me: "REALLY?" I wanted to go too, but can't we do that later? Like in an hour or so?"
Donovan: "Well, what else can we do for an hour?? I think I'll just take them. You just go ahead and sleep in."
I lay there after all the chaos left for a good 12 minutes solid. Thinking of how I should get my lazy *beep* out of bed and join these people who keep me from sleeping in. On a Saturday. Who I love despite the early hour of waking. I got dressed and headed out in search of a cup of coffee. Which I scored with a bonus long john. (Thanks Marlys & Loretta) I called Donovan on his cell to find out he had them all loaded up in a boat and would pick me up on the dock halfway across the lake from where he loaded them in.
Me: "Well, really can't you just do some bonding with them and let me go back to sleep? It's not even 7 a.m."
Donovan: "Well, I could take them out fishing."
Me: "REALLY?" I wanted to go too, but can't we do that later? Like in an hour or so?"
Donovan: "Well, what else can we do for an hour?? I think I'll just take them. You just go ahead and sleep in."
I lay there after all the chaos left for a good 12 minutes solid. Thinking of how I should get my lazy *beep* out of bed and join these people who keep me from sleeping in. On a Saturday. Who I love despite the early hour of waking. I got dressed and headed out in search of a cup of coffee. Which I scored with a bonus long john. (Thanks Marlys & Loretta) I called Donovan on his cell to find out he had them all loaded up in a boat and would pick me up on the dock halfway across the lake from where he loaded them in.

Jack just may turn out to be a ladies man, like his daddy.
William enjoyed some organized childrens games and bubbles with little friends.
Isabella had fun too....Here she is with some friends that are sisters- Whitney and Cassidy. There was a soft serve ice cream machine the church had brought with 3 flavors. Isabella said she lost count after 5 cups.
Suzy with her friend Kamryn, who happened to be wearing the same cute shirt. Great minds think alike, right Brooke??

And then there was some women's / men's tug of war compentions, and organized volleyball. Absolutely perfect weather for playing outside.
Here is a small group of some friends I got to know better. Just wish I would've gotten more pictures of all the fun people we were with!!! There was lots of fun hours spent around the camp fire after all the kids were tucked into bed, just having fun.
What an awesome weekend spent with great people. I'm already looking forward to next year's church campout.
Quote of the day:
from this past week....
Jack sneezes, while putting dishes away.
Me: "Bless you Jack. I wonder if you are developing allergies."
Jack: Yeah, I'm allergic to dishes"
Me: laughing out loud.
Jack: "I'm serious!"

Quote of the day:
from this past week....
Jack sneezes, while putting dishes away.
Me: "Bless you Jack. I wonder if you are developing allergies."
Jack: Yeah, I'm allergic to dishes"
Me: laughing out loud.
Jack: "I'm serious!"
Looks like you and your family had a great time! Matt and I love to go camping in the fall. Makes a person stand up and take notice sometimes with the chill but, it's a great time of year to do this. I wish our church had such an intimate group that would get together and do things like this!
I could hardly wait to read your blog....usually one of the first things I feel like doing on a Monday morning. It's like an inspiration to read your comments and gets me chuckling for the day! Thanks Heather for all the entertainment your family gives to each of us! You're so good w/your words and even bleeping out the stuff we all know would've been there if you would've yielded to temptation!
I am glad you went fishing w/the family to make memories ... like the kids catching their 1st fish! Wow! I'll bet they were excited! What kept all of them from rushing to the front of the boat to see it and you from capsizing? I'll bet you had a come-to-Jesus meeting b-4 the boat ride?
You never know- you may go on a fishing trip to northern Minnesota on your 35th wedding anniversary like me & my hubby did this past year! It was so good and we didn't even catch a handful of fish!!!!???!!! just each other!
I better stop now or my girls will call me a blog hog again! Love reading your blog sweetie!
Wow! You are on the ball! I could barely scrap myself off the couch to get my family some dinner and put the kids to bed last night. Love the pictures and it was sure great having you guys there.
I meant scrape, not scrap. :)
Looks like a lot of fun! What I can't believe is the jackets. Now why would you people be wearing jackets and sweatshirts? ( :
We are finally having beautiful weather here, and can start opening windows and turning off the A/C. It was only 65 this morning.
okay, okay, such pressure! I thought about it last night but I was too wiped!I can't measure up to these blogging standards! I will try to have something for you by tonight???Maybe even a picture of you to make it worth your wait:)
Now back to laundry...Rose
I suppose you got your book ready too, already:)
Heather! You are amazing! I can't believe how you travel with 4 kids! You make it look so easy. Thank you for the inspiration. We are traveling to South Bend this weekend for the ND/PU game and I get anxious just THINKING about getting Logan to sleep without his crib!!!!
I also grew up going to good ol camp amigo! I have had some great memories there! Looks like a lot of fun! And I had to laugh at your attempt to sleeping in because it is so what I would try to do:) Thankfully I have a very sweet husband like yours who does not mind helping out a lot!!
Yes, I agree you are VERY spoiled! You seriously got it made sister, but I am very happy for you that you have a great hubby & awesome kids. That just makes these times of camping and other activities that make them even more special! Looks like a ball!
Enjoyed the pictures... you do so good at telling the stories.
It was great having you at campout this year and getting to know you better. Somehow I'm not surprised you had your pictures up Sunday evening already :) You're on top of things! Hope your day went smoothly getting ready for mom's group and that you managed to fit all your laundry on the line.
If you send me an e-mail (crlong@maplenet.net) I'll send you a link to my xanga site.
Looks like a lot of fun! I have so many great memories of camping there as well. It almost felt like our backyard since Mom and Dad are just around the corner.
Oh what a perfect weekend it was for camping!! Nice and warm during the day and excellent sleeping weather at night. Looks like a lot of fun and what a great way to get to know your church family better...something about those late night campfires that make you bond. :)
We had a campfire on Saturday evening as well with family for Kaiya's birthday. Great weather for a campfire.
Sometimes it feels good to whine doesn't it? :)
love love love fall camping ... especially in a Jayco!
How fun!!!
I have to admit (even though I don't love to camp) that I'm jealous that I wasn't there. Oh and the weather....what a I wouldn't do to be able to wear a jacket.....
Hey girlie! Love reading your blog and catching up since my phone has crappy reception now in "Alaska." Let's talk soon or get together!
you know what i enjoyed the most about this post--seeing so many familiar faces!!! wow!
did you go to the st joseph fair this yr?
heather can i or rather you!! should create a 'quote of the day' button for your blogsite! something people can link back to your site w/...hmmmm?
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