Monday....was the fieldtrip with Jack. Thanks Holly for babysitting for Suzy and William!
Tuesday...Orthodontist consultation for this girl.....

And then on Wednesday we learned this guy needs glasses in a serious way.....

Jack is very farsighted. He needs glasses full time. We were beginning to notice his trouble with his eyesight, so we were not very surprised. Jack is so excited to get glasses....but so disappointed he has to wait 7-10 days for them to come in. Everyday he asks, "How many more days?" I also learned I needed help. Well-with my eyes... I have been having lots of migraines lately, so I had an exam also. My prescription has not changed in 2 years, but my focus mechanism is "almost shot" as my Doctor put it. The way to help this focus muscle is to relax it by wearing glasses or contacts. I was so excited to hopefully find a source for these migraines that have been slowing me down for years. I just don't function well when I feel like a knife is stabbing the center of my right eyeball. And really - I had 3 migraines last week alone. A record for me. So I opted for the contacts....which my Dr. had right in stock. Thanks Elsie for babysitting for Suzy and William and picking Isabella up from school.
Thursday this past week we met with Jack and Isabella's teachers for parent/teacher conferences. I've never worried about Isabella's conferences in the past....our son is a different story. And Jack is not a bad kid, he just loves to talk. He loves to tell stories. He just makes me nervous. Like...what is he going to say next kind of thing. He's not as shy as his older sibling...which keeps me humble most of the time. He also doesn't love to read...which I know is o.k. -Isabella does and it is totally to her advantage in school (I know there I go comparing our kids) But Jack's teacher said he is average-to above average in his reading level and he does not participate in class as much as she wishes he would. He is just a little reserved in class. WHAT!??? Are we really talking about the same kid?? Well, I was just sooooo thrilled there were no problems reported, I could've kissed and hugged her on the spot. Before going into the meet with Jack's teacher Donovan admitted to me, He's just a tad nervous about Jack's conference. Because he is the most strong willed of all our children. Trust me if you are going to battle with him, you better go and get some boots and a comfortable chair. He just takes you for a ride. He tries to talk you out of any and everything...and the chair is for the comfort, because as far as food he doesn't like....He will sit at the table for a very long time. Very long.
So enough about Jack....You know I love him...right??? He just tests me in ways I never thought would make me so angry.
Isabella's conference went so well. I am so happy with her teacher. She reported that Isabella is a great student, and that she is a good friend. Her grades are very good, and it's so nice that she is loving school so much. Thanks Malaina for watching all 4 of our kids so we could go meet with teachers. You are such a sweet young lady!
So with all this babysitting I needed I got to return the favor for another friend.....Look who we got to snuggle with....

O.k. So we didn't get the baby the whole time (he went to a wedding with his parents)...But we did get little cousin Karis for a couple of hours. His mama thought he would need to eat, and apparently I've run dry. After the wedding Lyndon and Krista stopped in to pick up Karis and we got to enjoy two-week old Jeremy while we chatted.

Oh seriously look at those big beautiful blue eyes!!! Jeremy you are so cute!
So it's 10:30...and lunches need to be packed, clothes need to be laid out, my bath needs to be taken, and here I still sit. Over and out friends.
Quote of the day:
At the dinner table last night Donovan and I kissed and I might have snacked on his neck just a little.
Jack: "I have to say that is really gross."
You've been busy! Wow, what a week! I'm glad the kids are excited about the changes that are coming up for them. Isabella will look beautiful with her new braces and Jack will impress his teacher even more with his new studious look. :)
I'm glad that you will get some relief from your migranes too. I've only had a few of those and they were miserable!!
Thanks for posting the pictures of Jeremy. I haven't seen him with his eyes open yet. Can't wait to get my hands on him again!
WOW!!! And I thought that I was busy? Have you sat back and had a good breath this weekend? You know you talk about those expanders and I remember when Jenni Groebe had them, she would spend the night I would get to "turn" the key.... I thought that was the greatest thing in the world! Probably didn't feel too good to her but, it sure was an excitement to me! Hope this week is a little slower for ya!
I feel your pain friend...last week and this week and so busy for us too! Do you think that time of year is already starting? I certainly hope you can make our Friday breakfast for bible study since that's the only time I ever see you! :)
Wow! Busy momma! Then you also had breakfast @ The Essenhaus saturday morning. Thanks for going, it was fun! All 4 of your kids are so awesome! They all have such great little personalities! I love them all!
Oh....I still think it is pretty gross sometimes!! I hear your pain Jack!!! (: How nice to be so young and innocent and not worry about someone snacking on your neck except your mother!! LOL!! I guess someday...but hold out as LONG as possible!!!
Poor,Poor Jack! I'm so sorry that you had to see your mommy getting fresh with your daddy! Sounds like its time for a seperate memory card Heather! Anyway, can't wait to see you on Thursday at the ole library, I'm going to be sad when story time is over. I'm making lasagna for lunch. Do your kiddies like it? Hey! since I'm such a cyber chic now heres my e-mail add. Well, I gotta go! Have a good week!
Yeh, I bet too that someday he won't think it so gross!YIKES! Watch out girls heartbreaker Jack, with his new eyes, is on the loose!
Don't busy weeks make you so thankful for a night at home?
We should do coffee sometime soon.(speaking of being busy?:)
Sleep well friend
Yep. Jack's gonna change his mind in just a few short years. Good, though, that he sees that his mom and dad love each other.
I remember wishing for braces, glasses, and crutches. I've experienced all three. They'll change their minds eventually, but they do seem to almost be a rite of passage.
Glad to hear your migrains should be going away. No fun!
Thanks for the note about the class. When I told one of my co-workers that I was taking the class she asked me, in all sincerity, why I'm such an overachiever. I don't think that's quite the case, but I do enjoy learning other languages, just at a sane pace and appropriate level.
As for the cold....did you notice the snow today? Beautiful!!!!
Isn't it amazing how our kids do so well in school and we wonder if the teacher is really talking about our child? I was always amazed when I would go to parent-teacher conferences and would hear how good the kids were doing????? That seems like such a long time enjoy the moment!
I saw Donovan at Wal-Mart yesterday and heard you are getting ready to start your Christmas cards! you go girlfriend!
laughing at what cheryl said about wanting all three when she was younger! i so remember having those thoughts.
i just had to stop by and label you heather! lol, intro'ing... SUPER MOM! hope your having a good wk. :)
I agree, what a beautiful baby boy! Aren't you excited you get to see him tomorrow? Sorry Aunt Sherri, don't be too jealous...just one more week and you can have him more than Heather at the get-together...
Time to update your blog Heather, I'm totally bored with it. Tee, hee.
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