This has been a seriously fun week. Making up for the horrid week I had last week. Not to make a pity party for myself...but last week there were a few days that I felt like hanging up the towel. Do you have weeks like that? I'm sure you do...and I wish we talked about them more to each other. I felt like a horrid mama, a mess of a wife, and an all around basket case. Let's blame it on hormones shall we? I just didn't like how I lost my cool with the kids & my husband. Several time last Friday I thought I should probably be putting grey tape on my mouth, and leaving it there....for fear of more ugly things spewing out. It was just rough. I don't know why I lose my patience more some days and others are fine. Again let's chalk it up to hormones.
And then come Sunday night. The feelings of starting another week, hubby going back to work, and BLAH! I just want to keep him home and share the work load of laundry, wiping, and cooking. However, a little thing called a job, interrupts. But this Monday was a different day for all of us. Donovan had a Sealed Air company appreciation picnic at the Ft. Wayne Wizards ball park Monday night. And he had several service calls to do before that game, during the day in Ft. Wayne. So we all piled in and he dropped us off at my cousins house......

Sherri. My friend, cousin, and blog-sister. What fun to let the kids play, and to catch up with a sweet friend. Not your typical Monday, which suited me just perfect. Sherri and I took the kids on a walk through their woods, worked on peaches just a little, and then Sherri gave me a lesson in photography. She showed me how to change pictures to black and white, and add color to one part of a photo. She also taught me how to add text on top of pictures. How fun is that??

I love how her little girl
Kaiya, is so
huggable & sweet. It was so fun to hold her and get to hear her little sentences. She would often walk over to me and put her hands up for me to hold her. Loved it!

Here is the whole group. Jack-6, Suzy-2, William-4, Caedmon-4,
Kaiya-2, and Isabella-8. Her children are growing up so fast. It's too bad we can be together more, to get to know both of her sweet kids better.
Donovan came back and picked us up around 5:30 to go to the game. After a long day of playing hard...a ball park was probably not the best place to take 4 tired kids, and a tired mama. There are no pictures for a reason. We left early. Let's not talk about Monday night.
Tuesday my aunt and my niece Sierra came for a visit and brought lunch. And for an added bonus left Sierra to spend the night. That way I had a babysitter while I took Isabella to a Dr. appt. in the afternoon. Boy, how nice is that?? And she can drive!!!! She drove us to Donovan's brothers' house for dinner last night. Doesn't she look all grown up in the drivers seat???
Sweet 3 week old Cale (our new nephew) had a diarrhea diaper that went up his how lucky I was to give him a bath. He never cried once until I took him out of the water. I am so in love with this little boy!
My sister-in-law Arlene with Cale and Suzanna.
And that brings me up to today...remember the prayer request I had for a cousin, his wife, and little boy that were in China during the earthquake? They are home now. And Jenny needed a babysitter for today. So Matthew came, he is 2 1/2. Add one to my 4 and that makes 5 children for today. Good thing I had Sierra here to help. It really went so well. In fact so well I figured why not keep with my original plan to get my groceries for today. Call me insane but I needed some pretty important things like milk, bread, creamer, and cotton balls. Most importantly I had a serious cotton ball shortage. It went well through Meijer with the exception of Jack who was crying about not getting a car in the check-out. I might have threatened to take all 300 cars already at home away for 3 days, if he doesn't stop crying. And while he was trying to pull it together as to not lose the privilege of using the cars he already has, he accidentally hit his head on the cart. Now I was having a hard time determining if the tears were from the injury or just plain mad about the car he wanted. He finally pulled himself together and we were on the road again. I also made a stop to get Isabella's glasses adjusted, a stop at the gas station and the library. All this by 11:30. It is amazing how much gets done when you get up at 7:30!!! And by this time I'm thinking of never letting Sierra go home. She was the one who buckled the kids in the car seats, and unloaded the groceries for me. It was so awesome to have another (almost) adult with me all morning.
On with the quote of the day.......
In our bathroom I have to let the water run for a good 2 hours before it gets hot. So this morning I turned on the bathroom faucet and went to the laundry room to get a washcloth. When I came back both sinks in our bathroom were plugged and on full
throttle. Jack just exiting the bathroom.
This is the response I got.....
Me: Jack DO NOT plug the sinks, leave the water on and walk away.
Jack: Mom, What would happen if we plugged all the sinks, turned the water on. And then opened all the freezer doors? We would have an ice skating rink wouldn't we?
I think we should start limiting Tom & Jerry
Wow! Bust Momma! Thank you Sierra! Love you all!
hi aunt heather sounds like you are a busy mama!!!!!!!!! Love veronica
Heather thank you so much for your honesty in the world of parenting! I loose my cool way to much with my kiddos. I truely do want to be a quiet mama that has tons of patients but somehow that does not happen :) If you need a good laugh and to feel better about mothering talk to Sherrie about my burger king incident yesterday! It involved my youngest son :) Yes I agree that we should always share these stories to make each other feel better :) Glad this week is going better for you!
loved this post heather!! so real life! so next your going to teach me your photo tricks right? !! =)
i'm glad you left out monday nite, cause hoo-wee, we have enough of that going on over here! ;) i still can't quite imagine sierra that old!!
...about that tom and jerry episode. we have it! i can't wait to tell my children what jack said! lol! so hilarious!
What a week Heather! I'll keep you in my prayers for keeping on course w/the kids &'re real! It was always so refreshing to hear how other moms survived each day w/the kids when our kids were small. I thought there were days when I was the worst Mom in the world (actually the kids probably told me that), but you know, in reminiscing w/them now that they're grown, the things they remember, for the most part, are the fun things that we did! So many of the bad experiences we had they don't even remember....
so, relax and remember what a joy it is to be a positive figure in their lives.... fill their little minds w/good memories.....I think you have been doing a great job at that! You're so sweet and blessed with a great husband and father to your sweet children and come one, you deserve some credit here young're been doing a great job at being a Momma and may God bless you with His Love! Love you~
Can I join your club of feeling like a bad mama sometimes? Miss you!
I can NOT believe Sierra is driving!! I remember her from the times she was with you when you guys and the Click's and us used to hang out. Makes me realize that my daughter will be driving before I know it...scary thought, that is! - Beth
Sierra! You go girl! Hopefully I'll get to see her this weekend at Grandma's. It's true....we probably all need to be more honest about when we struggle. Mine isn't re: little kids, but it still happens. Heather, I'm getting up at 0500 to swim at the Y then work at 0800. Imagine what you could do if you got up that early:) This weekend has been a rough one, exhausting and lots of guano (that's better than what I'd like to say:) at work. Your salsa was one of the definite bright spots. I still plan to give you credit on my blog when I have time. One question.....did the cart lady get mad at Jack for having the gall to injure the cart with his head? hehehe....I'm bad.
Sorry about the mispelled word! I hit publish before I caught it. BUSY Momma! Sierra is always so kind! Love ya
Wow! What a week! And I think it is hard to shop sometimes with 2 kids!!!
Loved having you here and thanks again for all your help with the peaches. It's always a treat to talk to you!
I just about fell off my chair when I saw little Sierra at the wheel...not so little anymore though!
Oh, and by the are a great mom!!! Your kids and husband know that you love them very very much! That's what matters most!
I love reading your blog (happened upon it from someplace I can't remember) but I think I've enjoyed this post more than any others here! From sharing your bad days as a momma (makes me feel better!) to today's quote of the day. The ice skating rink idea was hilarious (we have to let the water run awhile here at our house too).
And I would love to know which program you use to put color on parts of a black and white picture?
Thanks for sharing...
Thanks girls for all the encouragement on my bad days of parenting! It was a bit humbling to write about, but glad you helped me know that we all go through hard seasons. are so funny. :) About the cart lady from Meijer.
Sarah....thanks for prospective here. It was very encouraging.
Wanita...I will be happy to show the phototography tricks. :)
Jennifer....There is a free program you can download off of the internet called gimp. that's what we use.
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