Yesterday I was sitting in the recliner next to Donovan (who was in his recliner) and while he slept, I read. It was time for Suzy to I let her curl up to me while I curled up to my book. Which is new to me...because usually I'm all about her going to a bed and being in our routine~but wow, I do know how to flexible. Snap! Soon she fell asleep next to me and with all the sleepers in the room, the warm body next to me, the rain outside...I was thinking a nap was a very excellent choice. So I put the book down and pulled Suzy up to me and tried to remember when she got so big....I remember her curled up on my chest when she was a newborn. Now having her on my chest, and her stretched out puts her feet down to my knees!!! WHAT??? How did she get so tall so fast? Where did the time go? And to smell her sweet blonde hair, made me just get emotional to think who she is, her little personality that has developed, all of what makes her who she is....Suzanna Faye.
It has been over the last week, since Donovan's surgery that has made me realize how busy, too busy we are. That we better slow this train down....we already have one that reminds us weekly she will be having a "double digits" birthday this summer! WHAT!? 10 years since we had our first baby? How are the days so slow and the years so fast???
So feeling like this has made me want to make the most of this down time, of being at home a lot, and taking care of Donovan. Wanting to make the time~precious rather than be a drag of counting down the weeks/days until he is on his feet and we are in full motion again. Easier said than done.
And how very, very cool that some friends from church brought over their 3 wheeled electric scooter for Donovan to use while he is recovering. I thought...awesome we can take the kids for a bike ride, me walking, Suzy and Donovan riding the scooter.
Too bad we got only one block, until his foot throobed so badly we had to turn around. :( Well maybe next week we'll try the bike ride/scooter thing again.
So....with that garage sale money I made...I bought this. A porch swing, which screams to me~sit down and relax. I love it. We spent lots of time out there on the front porch Sunday afternoon and evening. Suzy is getting combed because we had some exciting visitors coming over...
Grandma & Grandpa were just coming home from their week long trip to the Ozarks, and called to see if they could stop in. We popped some corn, made some lemonade, and got some cookies ready.
We also showed Grandpa, William's debut in our local newspaper.
So here is the quote of the day:
I know it's a little early in the post to put this up~But that's me just keeping it tricky for you.
William's class was asked by the newspaper....."What do you want to be when you row up and what will you need?"
William: "I want to be a policeman. You have to get people in jail if they do something bad on the road like my mom and dad do."
So...when I read this in the paper...I ask,
Me: "William, what do you mean something bad?? I haven't gotten a ticket since I was 18!"
William: "Mom, the time you went around the railroad tracks." I wrote about it
Right. right.
You do make me proud William.
Thank you for your excellent memory.
So here we are the bad people. Chillaxin' or relaxing as it used to be called.
The views from this porch are amazing...little people growing up right before me, riding bikes & scooters, making dams out of water dripping from flower pots that have just been watered, playing catch, and just being who they are~and us being so UN-Busy to notice.