This week started with a super bowl party that I never watched. Which
doesn't surprise me because I really only go for the food and friends. So this year was no different. My friend
Marlys hosted the super bowl bash and invited one other family which are equally just as fun. The guys headed downstairs to the basement and settled in the kids ran and played and us women folk....we talked. And ate. Then talked some more. I looked up at the clock for the first time all night and thinking it would be around 8:30....was shocked to see it was 9:50. I'm not sure how time went that fast!!! So we headed out shortly after that and got the kids home and tucked into bed.
I landed in bed around midnight Sunday night. And then woke up about 1:30 a.m. hearing my phone vibrate in the kitchen. I
pretended I didn't hear it. It buzzed again. And again. So I come out to see 3 text messages from someone I didn't know, saying things I didn't like. So I
politely asked this "person" to please stop sending text messages, I do not know them. They must have the wrong number. They sent me another text message telling me to blank blank off and blah blah blah. Thank you so much I just wasted another 50 cents on someone who I don't even know, saying things I don't like, and getting mad that I'm up so late. So I went back to bed, and listened to my cat moan and groan because she is in heat. It was useless. I lay in bed for 30 minutes and could not go to sleep. Then Donovan started snoring. I knew it was over at that point. So I got up and started answering emails and playing around on
facebook. And then Isabella started talking in her sleep, and as if on cue Suzy started talking in her sleep about 30 minutes later. REALLY??? Should I also reveal that I had cramps or is that
finally went back to bed about 4 a.m. What a way to start the week off.
The best part of this week is we found a new home for the cat in heat. She had to go. There was just no action for her here...and seriously she had been in heat since around Christmas. She was a good outdoor cat...but all good things must come to an end. Last night a guy from our small group took her home-- to his dairy farm which has lots of milk, lots of mice, and
ahhhhh...male cats. She will be so very happy in her new home I am sure.
Today Jack our 6 1/2 year old woke up crying of ear pain, sore throat, and as he put it, "my brain hurts." So I took him into the Doctor, and on the way I was thinking he isn't acting sick at all now. We were listening to the radio and he was playing the air guitar and told his brother, William, "you're on the drums." So they are back there in their
seat belts with their imaginary band and Suzy is playing right along with them. It brought a smile to my face. But then thinking that why am I taking Jack to the Dr. when he will probably tell me he has something viral, to get plenty of fluids and rest. Blah, blah, blah. Well I was wrong. The appointment was worth the drive and the co-pay. He has an ear infection and walking pneumonia. How lovely. Since I already have cabin fever. So here we are with Dr. orders for Jack to be off of school again tomorrow.
Hmmm...the walls are closing in already.
Along with an antibotic the Dr. also had me put Jack on a nebulizer for breathing treatments. Which he has to do 4 times a day. Which he hates. Which made him throw up after the first one I gave him today. So wow…I’m hoping it goes better tonight. Because daddy has to be gone overnight tonight for work. And wow...How I totally hate to clean up throw up. And I'm already missing hubby thinking about him being gone ALL night long. Absence (even if only for one night) makes the heart grow fonder right? And makes you appreciate all the things your spouse does for you without any sort of
gratitude. So I'm already formulating a surprise for tomorrow night when he gets home. But need some help...any ideas?????